$85.00 AUD

Connecting To Joy - Module 1 by Dr Shivi Rayar

Are you ready to discover how to live a more joyful life? Join me for this new course designed specifically for women who want to tap into their own inner joy. In this course, you'll learn practical techniques and tools to help you cultivate a sense of happiness and contentment in your daily life. Combining an understanding of the science behind the brain and heart, with heart centered mindfulness practices, you will explore a range of strategies that will help you connect with your authentic joy. Join me today and let's start unleashing your inner joy!

What you'll get:

  • Lesson 1: The brain, heart and connection to self.
  • Lesson 2: Connection back to whole self and nature.
  • Lesson 3: Daily, simple offerings of Joy to yourself
  • Lesson 4: Connecting to your intuitive brain and heart: Whispers of your soul 

Disclaimer: This information is general and may not apply to you or another person. If you have any concerns about your health and wellbeing of a child, consult a doctor or other healthcare professional. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website or course.