Welcome, beautiful empathic woman! Embrace empowerment and joy here!
I'm Shivi Rayar


Ready to stop overthinking and feeling de-energised at the end of the day?
Then you're in the right place.



Welcome, beautiful empathic healthcare practitioner! Embrace empowerment and joy here!
I'm Shivi Rayar

Ready to start really living your best life? Then you're in the right place.


I would love to share with you what I have learnt over the last 23 years to help me connect to the absolute joy and magic of life.  

My name is Shivi Rayar. I share with empathic women who overthink and are de-energised, how I connect to the abundant magic and joy of everyday living.


Take Action!

Uncover Your Joy

Prioritizing Personal Happiness and Fulfillment

Decode Your Obstacles

Listening to the Messages Within

Embrace the Present

Cultivating Mindfulness and Being in the Now

Join Our Complimentary Journey

Welcome beautiful empathic woman! I'm Shivi Rayar - ready to re-experience and deepen your sense of magic, joy, curiosity and wonder of everyday living? Ready to stop overthinking and feeling de-energised at the end of the day? You're in the right place!